Cats may not be as vocal as humans when it comes to expressing pain, but they can still display signs that something is wrong. It’s important to be aware of these signs so that you can take your cat to the vet if you notice them. Felines are often known for their stoic nature, and many owners think cats hide pain well. At Lifting Stars Veterinary Homecare, we understand that cats are sensitive creatures and can suffer from pain just like any other pet. While you may not be able to read their minds, it’s important to be aware of the signs of pain in cats. 

One of the most obvious signs of pain in cats is a change in behavior. If your normally friendly and active cat is suddenly lethargic and withdrawn, pain could be the cause. Cats in pain may also be more vocal, hissing and growling more than usual. Another indicator of pain in cats is a change in their eating habits. If your cat is not eating as much as usual or is not interested in their food, they may be in discomfort. 

Cats can also exhibit signs of pain through their body language. Cats in pain may have a hunched-up posture, move more slowly and stiffly, or be unable to jump as easily to their favorite areas. Additionally, cats may stop grooming themselves, or they might lick or bite at painful areas of the body. They may also experience changes to their coat, such as having fur that’s matted, rougher than normal, or patches of fur that have fallen out. 

At Lifting Stars Veterinary Homecare, we also suggest the Feline Grimace Scale developed by the University of Montreal in 2019. This is a novel pain scale specifically designed for use in cats.

If you suspect your cat is in pain, it’s important to take them to the vet right away. Your vet will be able to diagnose the cause and provide the appropriate treatment. With the right care, your cat can be back to their happy, healthy, and more comfortable self as soon as possible.