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Pet Quality Of Life Consultation

If you are concerned about your pet’s quality of life, please contact us to book an appointment. We believe in the benefit of providing care in the place where your pet feels most comfortable—at home.

What will it be like?

One of our veterinarians will visit your home, discuss your pet’s health concerns, perform a physical exam and discuss the findings with you. Next, we’ll help you assess your pet’s quality of life. We will chart the expected progression of your pet’s illness, and how this may affect their quality of life over time. Our veterinarians will discuss the at-home end-of-life procedure and address any questions you might have. We will review options for memorial items and help guide you in creating a customized end-of-life care plan that will work best for you, your pet and your family.

In situations where you would like to pursue further diagnostic evaluations or use treatments that cannot be provided in the home setting, you will be referred back to your regular veterinarian or to an appropriate specialty facility. If you do not have a current veterinarian, we can refer you to a local veterinary hospital or specialist as needed.

Quality of Life Consultation Fee

Initial Quality of Life Consultation Appointment: $425
This includes a one-hour at-home consultation.

Follow-up Consultation Fee

Follow Up Quality of Life Consultation Appointment: $350
This includes a 30-45 minute in-home consultation.